Ms. Hermann wins Innovation Grant for Outdoor Classroom

Teachers in EUSD are fortunate to have the Escondido Educational Foundation on their side!  Every year, teachers from all over the district are encouraged to apply for educational grants as part of the Dr. Mike Caston Innovation Awards.  Grants of various sizes are awarded to project and program proposals that expand the realm of learning from the design and genius of innovative educators with a heart to reach the highest potential of every student.  With no strings attached, Teachers are awarded checks for various initiatives that were submitted earlier in the fall.  Our own Intervention Teacher, Brooke Hermann was there with all of the other recipients on Dec. 6th with hers being one of the biggest awards for her outdoor classroom proposal.

Staff from the Escondido Education Foundation were presiding along with our Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, Mr. Andrew McGuire.  Ms. Hermann diligently assembled a design plan and materials request for a naturally themed, outdoor classroom and literacy space that will be developed over the next two trimesters along with Mr. McGuire and the Maintenance and Operations Team.  We will feature more on this as the plans are solidified.

Congratulations to Brooke Hermann for your Leadership and initiative!!!  We are grateful that we can add a beautiful, natural space to continue our quest for alternative education.  Bravo!!!